Project concerned with using Data Analysis and Data Science to assess Voting Patterns among minority communities within Boston, using data provided by the office of City of Boston Councillor Julia Mejia. Interactive maps and results available here!


This project undertaken by the initiative of City Councillor Julia Mejia was concerned with voting patterns in the Latine/Latinx community amongst different communities of eligible voters, registered voters, voter turnout, precinct breakdown, demographic information (age and gender breakdown) and many such factors.

Our goals were: finding voting patterns within precincts and looking at gender breakdowns based on party affiliation, Show changes in eligibility, registration, and voting over time among likely LatinX voters and display voting pattern information into an interactive platform (firebase app).

We were successful in consolidating our analysis and findings over the 4-day time period and presented our work to the employees and mentors at MassMutual as well as the Office of Councillor Julia Mejia. Here is a picture of our team! dd4g


  • Older Hispanic voters at around retirement age tend to vote more (~60 yrs old)

  • 20-30 year old population, and female appear to be more engaged

  • Bulk of population is around 35-60

  • There are less young people but a higher proportion of voting turnout

  • Generally there is a growing hispanic population with a higher voter turnout yearly. Could be a result of the highly engaged young population

  • There are some districts with a high proportion of non-partisan voters. Ex: Precinct 0608 has low hispanic population and a high % of non-partisan voters

  • Identify areas for highest impact with the interactive map.


Check out useful links below to know more!

Interactive maps
